Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cell Organelles

Cell Organelles

- Organelle – tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within the cells

- Cell Wall – a rigid layer of nonliving material (composed of cellulose) that

surrounds the cells of plants
- Cell Membrane – the next barrier within the cell wall – all cells have cell membranes
that control what substances come into and out of the cell

- Nucleus – directs all of the cell’s activities (found in all cells)

- Cytoplasm – the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus where the

organelles are – a thick, clear gel-like fluid  (found in all cells)

- Mitochondria – the "powerhouses" of the cell that convert energy in food

molecules to energy the cell can use to carry out its functions  (found in all cells)

- Endoplasmic Reticulum – a maze of passageways that carries proteins and other

materials from one part of the cell to another (found in all cells)

- Ribosomes – small, grainlike- bodies attached to the ER that functions as

factories to produce proteins (found in all cells)

- Golgi Bodies – flattened sacs and tubes that receive proteins and other newly

formed materials form the ER, package them, and distribute them to other

parts of the cell (found in plant and animal cells)

- Chloroplasts – green organelles in plants that capture energy from the sunlight

and use it to produce food for the cell (plant cells only)

- Chlorophyll – green, light absorbing pigment found in chloroplasts (plant cells only)

- Vacuoles – storage areas within the cell for food, wastes and water (found in all cells)

- Lysosomes – small, round structures containing chemicals that breakdown

certain materials in the cell (found in plant and animal cells)